Morrissey papped again!

I was wondering that myself upon seeing these other photos.:p
(Even though it's well done if so...)
OK I'm glad I'm not the only one--I've noticed this for a long time and always wondered about it.

And I'm sure that you'd work for free, too!!! Wouldn't we all given the chance to pack his suitcase, fold his underwear, and follow him about town:o:D

I'm not sure if I'd really want to do it. Morrissey as my boss seems a bit intimidating. I think most people hate their bosses, so I wouldn't want to put myself in such a position LOL!!
Yes, I'd work for very little. I'd love to get to see the world with Morrissey!!! A dream come true! I'm sure he'd be so much more fun than my current boss..and Moz is about 10 million times better eye candy. ;)

I think he was covering his face because he felt he wasn't wearing appropriate attire in which to be photographed.
I think this might be the reason too...I think his "shopping" outfit is adorable, though! I wish people wouldn't be so critical about his clothing. At least he's not in sweatpants!!!! (If any of you dare leave the house in sweatpants, please burn them now. There is no excuse.)
But I stayed in the car the whole time! I think my sweatpants are flame retardant. :o

I think this might be the reason too...I think his "shopping" outfit is adorable, though! I wish people wouldn't be so critical about his clothing. At least he's not in sweatpants!!!! (If any of you dare leave the house in sweatpants, please burn them now. There is no excuse.)
I think he was covering his face because he felt he wasn't wearing appropriate attire in which to be photographed. :o Unlike the other night when he was wearing that very nice light blue shirt and jacket. :p
Doesn't he realize that we are eager for that "rolled out of bed" look? He should just take his hands away from his face and be proud of his scruffy face. I'm sure it would look darn sexy if we were able to see it. :)
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