Quote from 'The Void' on Teletext.


My Heart Goes PiffPafPoff

This news is changed daily so the link may not exist in a couple of hours so here is the quote anyway

Your daily rants
'Johnny Marr can't be considered a great guitarist. He's only played in indie bands and not rock ones, and is therefore untested. Lee Galactus

Void: Wow! Congratulations on the most narrow-minded letter we've ever had. Do you think a song like Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me would have been improved if Marr had played some Yngwie Malmsteen-style shredding on it? You, sir, are henceforth barred from reading PS. Go on, clear off.'

guessing this person is refering to that fact Johnny was on The History of Guitar On BBC the other day......

This episode was a bit of a let down Johnny was only on for a minute did play snippets of him in a studio playing There Is A Light..... which was cool, If your gonna watch it on Iplayer be on the look on near the begining, there's Pete Townsend And Matt Belamy As well all in the first bit. Then the rest is about lutes and other old(e) guitaresct tyep instruments.....
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