Morrissey's Television Choices Tonight

Not Right In The Head has been trolling me for some time now, and I'm beginning to find it creepy the way he stalks me just because he doesn't feel I have a right to post 1-2 messages on the occassions I stop by the forum. It's an old trick to accuse others of doing what you yourself are up to (the Democratic Party is shameless in using this technique). Perhaps, Oy, you are sympathetic to his trolling because of your bigoted intolerance against people from differing political persuasions as yourself.

I saw a thread where people were mentioning TV events this weekend, including televised sporting events, and my post was on topic. It would've been fun to chit-chat about golfing, but this Not Right In The Head fellow is quite insane and you kiss his butt.

I guess there ain't much for Not Right In The Head to do in Iowa except inflict 22.11 off-topic posts per day in forum threads complete with "wacky photos", like the one of the unfortunate little kid he was holding up for ridicule the other day (at least I shamed him into taking that one down). You'd think, with all the flooding God has been punishing his town with, he'd be busy helping his neighbors, but I guess his Internet addiction is more important. I'm sorry the floods failed to drown him to Hell.

NRiTH doesnt even live in Iowa.
P.S. I also wonder if Morrissey wanted to watch some To Catch A Predator on MSNBC this weekend, but his plans got wrecked from Tim Russert keeling over at the NBC offices (where, apparently, none of his colleagues knew CPR). So, MSNBC threw their whole weekend schedule out the window and has been acting like the passing of a journalist is as big a deal as JFK getting shot or Elvis dying. These journalists don't seem to get that their job is to cover the newsmakers and they aren't as important as the people and events they cover. Keith Olbermann wonders how we can have the election now that Tim is gone. Please, Keith. (And, Keith, if you admired Russert so much how come you don't display anything approaching his fairness and objectivity?) Anyway, I hope Morrissey wasn't frustrated by all the Russert mourning if he tried to watch some child molesters getting busted or maybe an MSNBC prison reality program or two.
NRiTH doesnt even live in Iowa.

Really? Well, as a casual, part-time participant in the forum (just for old time's sake - the forum actually sucks with the new breed and the crazy moderators), I don't know anything about his personal life except that he's insane, posts 20-30 messages per day, and he trolls me, so I wouldn't know. But amongst his 20 thousand messages per month I noticed him going on about the flooding and encouraging people to post sympathy messages to him, like this one in his Iowa thread:

It was just on the news -the videos are just devastating. They said 83 out of 99 counties have been declared disaster areas. So very sad... my heart goes out to you and your family & friends.

So, if he's nowhere near the flooding he seeks sympathy about, my error is understandable. If his family/friends are in danger he should have already flown back to Iowa to help them.
Really? Well, as a casual, part-time participant in the forum (just for old time's sake - the forum actually sucks with the new breed and the crazy moderators), I don't know anything about his personal life except that he's insane, posts 20-30 messages per day, and he trolls me, so I wouldn't know. But amongst his 20 thousand messages per month I noticed him going on about the flooding and encouraging people to post sympathy messages to him, like this one in his Iowa thread:

So, if he's nowhere near the flooding he seeks sympathy about, my error is understandable. If his family/friends are in danger he should have already flown back to Iowa to help them.

its possible to have sympathy for people you do not know, when they are in trouble or going through rough times. i guess you wouldnt know anything about that though, Theo.
its possible to have sympathy for people you do not know, when they are in trouble or going through rough times. i guess you wouldnt know anything about that though, Theo.

Not Right accepted sympathy for himself and his family in his thread about the flood.
im so bummed that the lakers won.

i love to see a boston celtic cavorting back and forth, dribbling and looking sexy.
the celtics have the best team logo out of 'em all. it always makes me laugh when i see that psychotic looking red headed leprechaun guy out in the middle of the court.
Theo, you don't even know NRITH. I do. He's a really wonderful person. He isn't trolling you, he just loves to make smart-ass comments. Why would he want to troll you, anyway? You aren't that interesting.
It was a good game. I could only see half of it though.
Theo, you don't even know NRITH. I do. He's a really wonderful person. He isn't trolling you, he just loves to make smart-ass comments. Why would he want to troll you, anyway? You aren't that interesting.

He began trolling me right after I gratuitously insulted him some weeks back. It's okay. I don't mind being trolled. But I'm gonna point it out when it's happening. I am amused to discover he bears more grudges than lonely high court judges.

Anyway, I can only feel sorry for an idiot who wrote "Let me also add that anybody who uses the phrase 'incredible dramatics' in reference to golf should be pitied" right in the middle of one of the most dramatic and great golf tournaments in golfing history. Incredible dramatics was exactly right, of course, and now the general consensus is that this was a once-in-a-lifetime golf tournement involving the greatest golfer of all time and the best athlete in the world today playing injured and having to fend off a cinderella story ageing journeyman with a charming personality trying to win the first major of his nearly-over career. It only got even better after I had posted, as the playoff round went 19 holes with more dramatics. When all was said and done, it was the best sporting event of the year, and added yet more to the incredible legend of Tiger Woods.

Apparently the Celtics beat the Lakers tonight in a boring blow-out. It's awfully hard to keep with the NBA when the season never ends. March Madness was months ago, but the NBA still goes on and on and on and on, into the summer, well into the baseball season, and at some point before the NBA title is settled you just give up and stop caring. Especially now that we know the refs fix some of the games. However, it's always good news when anything to do with Los Angeles goes down in flames. :)
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