Do you use You tube?

Before Goggle destroys You tube, I thought perhaps I could share videos with other Morrissey apostles to see what is out there that I should be watching.

It's not exclusively Morrissey or Morrissey connected videos that interst me but as you'd expect, that is high on my agenda.

Feel free to link me to videos that you think may interest me.

For the last month, a lot of my time has been spent on this site.

You can check out the videos in my playlists here:

Stay charming,
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

The links to my video playlists are easier found here:

It would be greatly appriciatted if everybody would have a little look at them.

If you have any proof that a video should be removed, I'm willing to listen to reason and logic.

If you think I should add a video, please let me know.
And I who only uses Youtube to watch the newest Family Guy clips since we have to wait for several months befor they get here:p .
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