Kill Uncle 1991 US Tourbook - Scan

El Manzo

♡ mr. tender ♡

High Res .jpgs, very big files.

Thanks to the original uploader.
I have been lurking here for months but your post of this tour book has coaxed me out of the shadows. Thank you very much.
My usual question: How long's it gonna be there? Thank you very much for doing this!
You never know with these sites like rapidshare, but the link should be valid at least for 3 months.

Many thanks.

this is a bit hopeful, but anyone got the Your Arsenal one?:D

The 1992 'Your Arsenal-USA tourbook' it's on its way... later today. ;)
Last edited:
67 minutes till I can download it:(.

Still, huge cheer, thanks and love to EL Manzo and the original uploader.
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