Online Persona


from the Ice Age to the dole age
Do you think it's different from the actual 'you'? I'm not talking about trolls and such, who clearly go out of their way to create a different persona, but the sort of 'personality' you create online? I think I'm much less shy online, much less awkward and paranoid :p and probably friendlier than in real life as well. I think they go hand in hand. No-one is defensive if they don't think they need to be, etc.

What are your thoughts?
Hmmm...they started out as different, but I think they've merged quite a lot over the time I've come here. I think hatfull is just an exaggerated version of me: I'm not quite as naughty as her, or as cheeky, or as jelous. I'm probably less funny too. I wish I could say I was quieter and less bossy than she is, but that would be a lie.
because of online;
i am much less hostile in real life
because of online i care less what people think that i do not know
i am much more comfortable being alone online, than being 'alone' in real life
online i misunderstand people far more than the real world & to lesser extent am misunderstood
all we have to go online is words really
not 'real' tone, volume, emphasis all the rest of SPEECH
we are blind too, many people in the real world only require a glance to 'KNOW'
body language tells so much
in intense situations, smell tells so much
all of this makes misunderstanding more likely
which has made me more patient in the real world
to me, online teaches many lessons that are largely applicable in the real world
but not in it if one uses it to improve one's faults rather than as a surrogate identity
the key here being TRUTH
online has given me the courage to be more open and honest
while others use it for the reverse
I can honestly say that I am more the real me in reality
because I endeavor to do so online 1st :)
On-line I'm more the "me" I want to be, I suppose. I'm definitely more chatty, and say things I would probably NEVER say in person. Well, I mean, there are some things you just CAN'T say face to face, can you?!
I`m my usual wonderful,gorgeous,intelligent,modest self.:D
i'm afraid I'm more shy online than in real life...:( But I dunno..
the real me: the who

I went back to the doctor
To get another shrink.
I sit and tell him about my weekend,
But he never betrays what he thinks.

Can you see the real me, doctor?

I went back to my mother
I said, "I'm crazy ma, help me."
She said, "I know how it feels son,
'Cause it runs in the family."

Can you see the real me, mother?

The cracks between the paving stones
Look like rivers of flowing veins.
Strange people who know me
Peeping from behind every window pane.
The girl I used to love
Lives in this yellow house.
Yesterday she passed me by,
She doesn't want to know me now.

Can you see the real me, can you?

I ended up with the preacher,
Full of lies and hate,
I seemed to scare him a little
So he showed me to the golden gate.

Can you see the real me preacher?
Can you see the real me doctor?
Can you see the real me mother?
Can you see the real me?

Been asked if I'm a girl and been thought of as a teenaged girl, "accused" of being gay:p called lovely and mysterious as well!
in reality, i'm actually quite grumpy and intolerant of people and the annoying things they say/do, without good reason.

oh well
Yes, but you make an excellent husband.

I'm the girl on the left, and Dave's the guy on the far right. We really are cousins.

I'm the girl on the left, and Dave's the guy on the far right. We really are cousins.

i'm lovin' dave's jumper. you look nice, too, ms. clippers.
Have you got a crush on Dave? is that why you've asked him over?

no, but i think i'd like to touch his slacks.

if he doesn't mind?
I bloody mind! If people are not allowed to blow me kisses, you are not allowed to touch peoples' trousers! Certainly not when they are wearing them!
I bloody mind! If people are not allowed to blow me kisses, you are not allowed to touch peoples' trousers! Certainly not when they are wearing them!

fair enough, i suppose. i'd prefer him out of his trousers, too.
fair enough, i suppose. i'd prefer him out of his trousers, too.
Are you so bored of your wife already that you are off trying to touch other mens' trousers? *sobs*
No, this fixation with Dave seems to have started when Dave pmed hubby by mistake with the wrong message. It's only been a couple of months and he's bloody bored already!
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