"Morrissey and Me" comic at gURL
Posted on Tue, Feb 9 1999
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Lauren R. Weinstein:

Hello! I am a cartoonist for gURL magazine and I recently wrote a comic called Morrissey and Me. It's been getting a lot of fan mail and one of the people wrote in and suggested this site... To see the cartoon go to and you'll see it posted on their front page.

Comments / Notes

This was one of the worst things that I have ever read. Whoever wrote such a thing did not invest a great deal of time into their effort. In fact, an obvious error appears to exist in the text of the cartoon. "Morrissey" states that he has written a song about Glen on "The Queen is Dead," however, on the U.S. release of "The Queen is Dead," no such song exists. The song that "Morrissey" suggests is actually on "Strangeways, Here We Come." Now, if this particular song exists on the U.K. release of "The Queen is Dead," then I take back my second criticism. I believe the song that "Morrissey" is referring to is "Death at One's Heel."
- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 12:05:43 (PST)

This the worst cartoon of Morrissey I've ever seen, he doesn't even look like Morrisey and there is nothing in his face. Worthless.
blanca <[email protected]>
- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 12:14:14 (PST)

Oh dear! I am so sorry for recommending that the comic strip author share her strip on Morrissey-solo. I personally lerved it and laughed heartily at it even though some parts were closer to the bone than I cared to admit. I think I can begin to understand why some people reacted very negatively to this comic: It's hard to accept what one sees in the mirror when one is so very ugly and pathetic. It's much easier to smash the mirror or berate the portrait-maker than to acknowledge one's disagreeableness. I should know!

Lauren, I'm sorry. I should've known better than to expose your work to the predictable spite of bitter sods. But I hope that more people will derive mirth rather than anger or humiliation from your comic strip. I have found in my experience on this board that a few very disagreeable and vocal critics will always be there to bash you for whatever ridiculous reason. But do not mistakenly believe that these cranks represent most fans. Thank goddess, they do not, or I would've never gotten the chance to meet so many genuinely wonderful Morrissey fans through the internet for fear that they would all turn out to be a bunch of hateful wankers.

Anyway, it's just a fuggin' comic strip, not an objective factual piece or a "realist" representation of the prototypical Morrissey fan! Geez, some people need to take that stick out of their arses and get a sense of humor or at least a sense of proportion. If you can't laugh at yourself once in a while, well then...take out your frustration on those who can! ; )

P.S. Do you really look like Chelsea Clinton? Heh heh heh, just a joking comment about the way "Lauren" is sometimes drawn.

Melinda <[email protected]>
a place in Hell - Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 12:57:51 (PST)

Ha Haa!! I thought it was great! Very funny. I love Morrissey and I do see the humor in the comic too. Anyone whoe does not is a bit self-absorbed and should learn to laugh at themselves. God knows I will if you won't.
- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 13:18:39 (PST)

Christ...get over yourselves....I thought the comic was hilarious. The glaring song/album error bugs me too..but who gives a @#!!!?'s "poseur" darling (I think??? what the hell do I know). Keep up the good work. Is this a continuing thing, or what? Later.
Morris C. <[email protected]>
Back in Grand Rapids (for now). - Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 13:46:02 (PST)

You people who think this is hilarius just want to be interesting or want to make people believe that you really have something to say. Like the girl who wrote a long argument, it makes no sense at all. I don't see anything hilarius and I don't think Morrissey would like it either. It's rather stupid.
- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 14:15:51 (PST)

OK, the artwork was rather base and she probably should have had someone factcheck the copy, but it was witty at times. Give her a break, she coudn't be any older than 12 years old.
mick <[email protected]>
orange, calif - Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 14:16:19 (PST)

THAT WAS SO FUNNY! I laughed out loud at least 5 times! Get a sense of humor, people! Learn to laugh at yourselves!
- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 14:56:55 (PST)

Whoever wrote the first scathing comment did not invest much time in his/her research either, I'm afraid. The song is "Death at One's Elbow".
- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 16:31:57 (PST)

The song is actually combining 'death at one's elbow', and 'unhappy birthday.' either way, they're both on strangeways, not the queen is dead.
Mah-knee <[email protected]>
- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 18:28:30 (PST)

You people Should give the kid A break! I think it was A cute idea And would be hurt If I Got such for rude comments !!Whoever made that i like it and WAs wondering if ur making anymore comics including morrissey>>??
cali - Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 18:42:12 (PST)

Hi, I am the author of this comic strip. I am deeply sorry for making the song mistake. All of your comments were very amusing. Thanks!
Love, Lauren

No I don't look like Chelsea Clinton, but I did go topless in The Mermaid Parade in Coney Island last summer

Lauren R. Weinstein
- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 19:57:11 (PST)

- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 20:33:00 (PST)

Oh come on people. This was really funny. "Frolicking in the cemetary" made me laugh out loud. Only a true morrissey fan could have thought of the witty and poignant situations and words. I liked it alot! Bravo!
Stephen <[email protected]>
- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 20:47:30 (PST)

AAAAWWWWWW! I thought it was cute! I hope the nit pickers of the world DON'T unite and take over. Good show, Lauren. I hope to read the next installment soon.
Constantly Miserable <[email protected]>
- Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 22:06:20 (PST)

to quote from puck: "pick pick pick pick...everyone's picking!"

all my other smiths/moz fans assert that smiths/moz fans are the most brutal fans in the world...this is just proof of that..i liked the 'indie' feel to it...i suggest to many of you to go check out some 'zines.

God, what did you kids have to say about that 'diary of a smiths fan' thing that was here a while back? hopefully nothing dreadful!

state of emergency
- Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 01:54:01 (PST)

For those people discussing about the songs reffered in the comic, I cant believe you're so stupid not to know there's a part of 'Unhappy Birthday' in there.
Acquiesce <[email protected]>
us - Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 09:54:27 (PST)

Aaaaaaw......doesn't the average Moz fans got any humour? I mean, people seems to get mad just because of a comic. 'A baby can draw Morrissey better than that' Well, no one forced you to read it, so why act as if it was a personal insult?
'All those people claiming to like the comic, just want to make themselves interesting?'
Having a problem, thinking that just MAYBE, _MAYBE_ some people actually have humour.... *Sigh* Sometimes you just ain't proud being a Smiths fan.....

Rare Flower <[email protected]>
- Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 09:56:49 (PST)

Hey all you would-be Morrissey-fans. Grow up and get yourself a decent life before you start picking on somebody else. The fact that you even bother to complain about this comic strip (which I actually find rather amusing) is sad.
I really donīt think that anything of this has any importance what so ever, and neither do this entry, since nobody will care about it anyway.

Love / Gustaf

Gustaf <[email protected]>
Sweden - Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 10:09:25 (PST)

You know what? I have found out why all moz/smiths fans are mean to oneanother:
It's abvious that most, if not all of us(smiths/moz fans) suffer from self-esteem problems and therefore it makes some of us feel rightious and important when we insult others.
I know how you feel fact, this situation is VERY close to home.
I was a member on the panic mailing list once and for every comment I made about morrissey, I was, eventually it got to the point where I said.."This @#!!! is stupid". Why should I listen to a load of bullcrap from people who claim they ARE all Morrissey's twin and who THINK they can hurt me by trashing my creative thoughts?
I don't know if you feel hurt from all of these negative responses but if you are, just remember that for every person who thinks your art is a piece of crap, there are an equal number of people who love what you do. Never give up fighting.

----->mama jack (lEElo*_*)

mama jack(lEElo*_*) <[email protected]>
- Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 12:44:36 (PST)

OKOKOK...she's 13!!! give her a break!!! I did not know that Morrissey-Solo had stringent esthetic standards...when the WARMTH provided is the POINT to enliven our dreary lives?!
William <[email protected]>
- Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 14:24:40 (PST)

I didn't find it particularly funny but I did read it and I guess I liked it because I read the whole thing. But I don't find things funny....the aspect of it that I liked was kind of how true it was .... not how much I laughed.
==== <[email protected]>
==== - Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 15:38:43 (PST)

Oh my God. You people remind me of a bunch of trekkies sitting around at a convention in your Vulcan ears and Klingon dictionary in hand arguing over what the first ensign in episode #301 had said before they died.

I laughed and enjoyed the comic, because for some people, it hits too close to home. I think in many ways this is a very interesting critique on the experiences of diehards, and I'm sure it was most of your fantasies that the Mozzer materialized in your bed one morning and lived with you and beat up any thug that bullied you at school, but I'm guessing you are jealous because she claimed him for herself.

I don't remember anything in that comic saying "you fans are a bunch of (jerry springer explectives deleted) and Morrissey is a puny little wussy gay man with no hair!" Otherwise, that would be offensive, yet, this was fun and I enjoyed it. Who gives a damn if the drawings aren't Rembrandts? I don't see you people doing anything remotely creative or interesting, and since many of you don't do anything interesting, shut up and let people who do interesting things do the things they gotta do!

The back of the refrigerator next to the dried up tomato - Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 16:34:23 (PST)

To all the sad, pompous nothings who slagged this kid and her harmless comic off, I say "grow up, get a life and stop being so damn precious." (Especially you, Chris, you tight-arsed git. I mean, 'Death at one's Heel'...I ask you.) Lauren obviously loves Morrissey in her own special way, so you carry on writing what you like. I followed The Smiths from start to finish, and none of the fans I ever met in those days were as mean-spirited as some of the holier-than-thou pond-life that have written on this board.

Morrissey is a man, that's all; a genius, yes, but just a man all the same. Stop talking as if he's your personal property.

Andreas Stavros <[email protected]>
- Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 00:20:18 (PST)

Is me or the author is not 13 or a kid?

It says "at 13."

Although, I agree that she doesn't deserve to be bashed.

- Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 07:35:26 (PST)

Kudos Lauren!!
I don't know if you are a Morrissey fan or not, but the comic was delightfully funny all the same.
I don't think you are 13 either!! correct me if i'm wrong but you are writing, wether fictionally or not, retrospectively. ie... "this happened to me WHEN I was 13".

dublin - Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 08:24:50 (PST)

p.s. Lauren-
Please don't leave Morrissey Solo and tell the world that we are a bunch of bitter sods! It's only a few bad apples!!---logic

dublin - Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 08:26:57 (PST)

If you don't like the comic, that's fine but
the attacks are pretty viscious. Some people
are just @#!!!s. Why doesn't anyone think
of how their words might impact someone else?

God forbid anyone came here and posted that
Morrissey is a "dick smoking, assmonkey who
whines all the time." Most people would get
all bent out of shape that their "Hero" was
being disrespected. There isn't any shortage
of people who are equally disrespectful to

As far as Death at One's Knee. I don't know
if that was an attempt at irony or a blatent
disregard for intelligence.

As a whole, this group hasn't demonstrated
anything that would lead one to believe
Morrissey's fan base is any different from
the fans of Back Street Boys.

Good job everyone.

slappy <[email protected]>
- Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 09:30:06 (PST)

Friends, if we cannot laugh at ourselves and our lives from time to time, what kind of people are we? Yes, this comic is truthful, but it also pokes fun at how serious we often take ourselves. Call me crazy, but I fail to see the harm in that.
Seasick, yet still docked <[email protected]>
Atlanta - Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 12:58:44 (PST)

After reading all of these comments, I have decided that they evoke more laughter than the cartoon. Now, I don't make that statement in an effort to criticize the author/artist. The reason why I find the comments so funny is the fact that there is a high percentage of hypocritical thinking invading this webpage. I would like to make a generalized statement that every comment is hypocritical, but that just is not true. Some people are truly interested in presenting a positive validation of the cartoon and the author/artist, while others (who truly believe that they are enlightened) have fallen into the trap of hypocrisy.

The people who are hypocritical are the ones who have decided to criticize people for criticizing the cartoon. Statements referring to "the critical ones" as being
1). typical Morrissey fans with nothing better to do than criticize;
2). people of low self-esteem who are attempting to make themselves feel better;
3). people who are rude and mean;
are mere examples of people doing the exact same thing as the original critics. Is this social justice being worked out over the internet? Some would say yes because the original critics deserve such a response due to their initial negativity. However, if one truly considers this point, a multitude of problems are discovered that cannot easily be resolved. If we are here to prevent harsh criticism (which appears to be an overriding theme), then this must be a consistent effort.

One final thought: We should all strive for excellence. During the impossible journey toward excellence, it is inevitable that criticism will present itself. If this criticism is justified and constructive, it should be used as a tool to focus and improve our efforts toward achieving excellence. Without good, constructive criticism, mediocrity develops, which is even worse than simple, cynical criticism.

So, "Before you slam down the hammer. . .", consider all aspects of your criticism.

I am sorry but I need to address one more issue. What is the real? What is the deal with hiding behind these fake names? I suppose that I should watch my own words because they are close to being critical, but quite honestly, I would like to know what the deal is.

Christopher <[email protected]>
- Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 15:32:09 (PST)

Yeah sure philosophy boy. I now see the light thanks to your intellectual superiority.
- Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 16:05:56 (PST)

I want to thank every one here for making my week a little more interesting. Thank you!
Not only did I enjoy all the blatant errors and the obvious deficiencies in the comic, but I think this discussion is brilliant. Now back to real life...

Gustavo Adolfo <[email protected]>
- Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 17:12:35 (PST)

Thank you Boy Who Criticizes People Who Criticize for saving the day
The Ken Starr Cabaret Show - Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 20:20:11 (PST)

It seems to me that everyone has a personal relationship with Morrissey and here is one person expressing her own "relationship" with Morrissey. Maybe it's that we don't want to share him with other people as his songs have deep personal meaning for each of us and we see him as a close, empathetic friend. And perhaps that's why the criticism for her comic has come about.

The drawings are another issue (this, coming from an art school grad) but at least she tried.

- Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 21:41:52 (PST)

I think some of the more vicious critics should spend moretime concentrating on their spelling, punctuation and grammar before they begin to tear at the work of others. Most of it's jealousy I imagine ; probably from people who wish they had the initiative and/or creative talent to come up with the idea in the first place. As for the content, the responses to its parodies of cliched Smiths fan miserablism reminded me of the way Melody Maker's postbag was flooded with angry letters from acne-encrusted youths (responding to their 'Diary of A Manics Fan'). Does this mean that Moz fans have something in common with Manics devotees? Well, I know I'm not like that, and looking at some of the more positive messages that were posted, many others aren't like that either. It's just a shame that a minority has to ruin it all ...
Ciaran of M11 <[email protected]>
Wales - Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 05:44:44 (PST)

I thought the comic was precious! I could totally relate, because that's how i felt like a lot of times when i was in high school. Like Morrissey was my own special friend and guide. Corny, but true.
Maybe that's why this comic has drawn out so much critisism; Moz fans think of him as their own special friend? I don't know. I used to have that kind of mentality, where i didn't want to "share" my idol with anyone else. I guess it's something i outgrew.
I think we should be thankful there are teens out there like Lauren. I mean, she could be out there voting for the latest Backstreet Boys video on MTV Total Request Live, for chrissake!!!!

spinny s
somewhere in Texas - Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 08:48:16 (PST)

Morrissey fans on this site are proving themselves to be some of the most inane, critcal and uncreative creatures never to set foot outside of a cave.

To sit here and slag a young girl because she didn't have the drawing talent of M.C. Escher is completely irrelevant and ridiculous.

And to whine about some understandable mis-naming of a song title is even more laughable; considering that most of the people who attacked this poor girl could not even spell simple, common words correctly.

I'm sure the people at the Websters Dictioanry Discussion forum would have a field day ripping you pathetic twats to shreds.

The fact is that most of you don't have the balls, mentality or creativity to even write, draw or pursue any other artistic venture with any degree of vigor.

I suggest that some of you put down the genital lubricant and attempt to do something that is even slightly creative or ambitious.

It is sad to see such critquing by people whose lives are obviously going only as far as a 14" computer screen.

Get a life, take a knife and end it!

With Love,

Mr. So&So <[email protected]>
- Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 14:03:01 (PST)

Some of you should get over yourselves for God's sake!
So - the cartoon isn't the most hilarious thing ever written - but it is quite funny, and I'll bet that the reason you are so pissed off is because you can relate to it and don't want to admit it.
Sheesh - I'm sure Morrissey is capable of laughing at himself - why can't you?

- Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 17:52:34 (PST)

i don't know about the rest of you but i would love to have that sort of relationship with moz. oh, and i laughed!!

so i don't care, i don't care, i don't care what you all think, cos i liked it.

julie <[email protected]>
oz - Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 07:02:51 (PST)

Dear God, help us.
Jeffrey <[email protected]>
- Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 11:26:09 (PST)

sigh...i guess this means, i'm not entitled to my own opinion. sigh!!
julie <[email protected]>
oz - Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 18:26:15 (PST)

* return to Morrissey-solo