Diary of a Teenage Smiths-Worshipper
Posted on Fri, Jan 15 1999
by David T. <[email protected]>
Thanks to J. McMillan and also Bob Vieira for this item. From Bob:

A rag, The Stranger, from Seattle has recently published a cute little article titled "Diary of a Teenage Smiths-Worshipper" by David Schmader, age 15.

Foreword from the article:

When it comes to Cozy Sensitive Boys, few bands can compare with The Smiths. Upon whimpering their way onto the music scene in 1984, the Smiths instantly became the favorite band of bookish, sexually confused dweebs everywhere, thanks in no small part to the band's lead singer Morrissey, who combined literary wit with adolescent self-absorption in a voice that made Leonard Cohen sound like Alvin the Chipmunk. On both sides of the Atlantic, thousands of depressed teens took refuge and found a Reason to Go On in the maudlin poetry of Morrissey and the Smiths-including one budding misery hound/closet case in El Paso, Texas, who here dredges up his Smiths-worshipping high school journal entries for your enlightenment, entertainment, and mocking derision. But remember: Please be gentle. He is human and he needs to be loved, just like everybody else.

Comments / Notes

Everyone read this. It is so @#!!!in' funny....or maybe it is just to me since I was the same age when all this happened. Boy, can I relate (except for the whole gay, kissing thing...that never happened to me...honest).
Morris C. <[email protected]>
L.A. (for today) - Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 17:08:50 (PST)